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Sean_Drew's Test Results.

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Sean_Drew's Test Results. Empty Sean_Drew's Test Results.

Post by D-Boyzachu100 Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:27 pm

Match Duel Decks: Earthbound Immortal Zombies (Tester) vs Gagaga (Testee)

Match Results: 5/15

Match Duel Deck Constuction: 11/15
Match Performance: 12/15
Concentration Throughtout the Duel: 5/5

Notes on Deck and Performance (Provide testee's deck screenshot):
The main deck is good, although I'm not sure about Gorz with 2 equip cards and 3 continuous traps. The side deck should be changed a lot, most of it is just extra copies of cards you have in your main, but it should be used to stop other decks. The extra deck is good too.
First game Beelze won it for me. Second game Beelze won it for you. Third game Beelze won it for me. Good perfomance overall no faults really.


Single Duel Decks: Insect Beatdown (Tester) vs Gagaga (Testee)

Single Results: 0/5

Single Duel Deck Construction: 7/10
Single Performance: 5/10
Concentration Throughout the duel: 5/5

Notes on Deck and Performance (Provide testee's deck screenshot):
https://i.imgur.com/uNHlom2.png (see above)
You got me down to 100 LP turn one with the chaos atlandis, but you didn't do any more damage to me.

Overall Attitude: 5/5
Different Decks: 0/5

Misplays: 8/10 (-2 for each misplay) Tried to use bottomless in damage step.

Other Notes: You aren't a bad duelist and your deck is good other than the side, Beelze is just too good and you only used 1 deck.
Grand Total: 63/100

Welcome to Ra Yellow, I hope you enjoy your stay!

Posts : 678
DA Record : 10-0-4
SA Record : 0-0-0
Reputation : 9
Age : 26
Location : The magical land of pudding (England).

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Sean_Drew's Test Results. Empty Re: Sean_Drew's Test Results.

Post by RekonZero Wed Jan 22, 2014 11:50 pm

awarded and locked

Posts : 2050
DA Record : 14-1-2
SA Record : 0-0-2
Reputation : 27
Age : 28


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